Leena Zafary
February 1, 2025
10 am - 12 noon
at the Fellowship of the
Inner Light
620 14th Street
Virginia Beach, Virginia
(just east of Cypress Ave.)
(Suggested donation at the door is $10, but no one will be turned
away until capacity is reached.)
This speaker will be presented
via Zoom on
a big-screen TV
Donate to
Virginia Beach IANDS
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Sat., Feb. 1
at the Fellowship
from 10:00 a.m. to 12 Noon
A light lunch and discussion opportunity will follow the meeting
Leena Zafary is a dynamic speaker, visionary, and transformation facilitator who has undergone two NDEs (Near-Death Experience) and a profound spiritual awakening STE (Spiritually Transformative Experience). Her captivating journey and deep insights into NDEs and STEs have made her a sought-after expert in the field of personal growth and healing. Leena's focus centers on Unlocking the Mysteries of Self-Discovery and Healing, guiding others to explore the vibrational nature of existence, the power of self-healing, and the profound impact of holding space for collective transformation. Her insatiable desire to understand the human experience drives her to help people reconnect with their higher selves and to embrace their inherent ability to heal.
As a speaker, Leena has graced platforms ranging from local IANDS chapters to the IANDS 2023 and 2024 Conferences, as well as numerous engaging workshops and thought-provoking podcasts. She is recognized for her ability to inspire audiences to connect deeply, transcend limitations, and embody a magnanimous spirit. Lena’s website is www.Iandslasvegas.com
A Zoom link will be available for those who cannot attend in person, and the meeting will be recorded to the Zoom Cloud for access for about one month.
Suggested donation for the morning session is $10.
A Zoom link is available to those unable to attend in person.
Contact RichardADinges@aol.com or 757-575-2759.
You can also find us on Facebook
For previous speakers, see the Virginia Beach IANDS YouTube
Dick Dinges has graciously made a transcript of his January 4, 2020 VBIANDS presentation available for download. Click on vbiands.com/dick_dinges
Virginia Beach IANDS (VBIANDS) welcomes
all people, irrespective of
race, ethnicity, age, disability, religious tradition, gender,
orientation, gender identification, and transgender status.
VBIANDS takes no position for or against
any country or political region, any political party
or candidate, any current or proposed piece of legislation, or
any court decision.
Future Speakers for 2024 |
Date (A.R.E.,Saturday) |
Speaker | Workshop | Fellowship of the Inner Light (Sunday) |
January 6th | Tricia Barker | No | No |
February 3rd | Laurie Lambert | No | No |
March 2nd | Janet Tarantino | No | No |
April 6th | Andrea Courey | No | No |
May 4th | Melvin Morse | No | No |
June 1st | Philip Hasheider | No | No |
July 13th | Annie Isaacson-Palmer | No | No |
August 3rd | Sharon Lund | No | No |
September 7th | Tamara Caulder Richardson | Yes | No |
October 5th | Mary Grace | Yes | No |
November 2nd | Tia Renee | No | No |
December 7th | Andy Petro | No | No |